Mapaprop Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Mapaprop for?

Mapaprop is a SaaS software designed for real estate agents. The system will allow you to manage a database of contacts and properties. You will be able to publish them in a simple and managed way, relate contacts with properties, make follow-ups and much more.

About the free service

Mapaprop has a free base service, which has no data upload limits. This means that you can enter as many properties as you want and publish them in our free partner portals, with no caps or limits. The same applies for contacts, images, posters, notes, relations, searches, etc.

How can I access to a DEMO?

There are no Demos, if you meet the requirements to obtain a Mapaprop account, register because it is free. If you are a real estate consultant, or you are not a real estate professional, Write your query.

What services can I pay for in Mapaprop?

In Mapaprop you can contract to have a Real Estate Website or purchase our extra functionalities service subscription, called Mapaprop Pro+. There are no obligations or commitments. You can use this service for free forever.

Why is it only for Real Estate Professionals?

Most of the features are specific to Real Estate professionals, so you must be qualified to register. Mapaprop will validate you and allow you to use the system if it believes your profile applies. If you have any doubts about it, please contact us by filling out our Contact.

Is publishing free?

Publishing is free for listings portals associated to the free plan. There are no limits. It is also free for some portals associated with the Mapaprop Pro+ plan. We have an Apis system that allows us to distribute the properties with different listings portals and systems. If you have a real estate listings portal and want to connect with Mapaprop, check out our option for Developers

Are there any listings portals to connect and publish where I have to pay?

There are options of connection with Premium listings portals, which require a direct payment to the portal. These are options and in no case Mapaprop participates in the intermediation of prices and subscriptions with these third parties. Ask about Mapaprop Plus

How do Mapaprop websites work?

Mapaprop web sites work using the system as a content manager and are published under a domain of the type www.suinmobiliaria.com.ar registered in your name. We have several service methods, where what distinguishes us is the possibility of creating a unique and unrepeatable human design at an incredibly low cost: you can actively participate in the final result. There are also several options to count on our service, where we provide design, or where you can work with your own designer. You can also have a template design, or host a web site on your own server and pay a monthly hosting fee as a one-time charge through our APIs

The properties published from Mapaprop are available instantly and infallibly, without synchronization. In addition, our base system is constantly updated with new features that make it always modern and up to date, without paying anything more than the monthly hosting fee.

How do I cancel my Mapaprop account?

You can unsubscribe your account at any time by going to My Account > My services > unsubscribe. Once it is done, your information cannot be recovered.

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